Toddler Travel Advice: Surviving Plane Rides with Your Little Ones

Traveling with toddlers can be a challenging experience, but it doesn't have to be. Air travel with a toddler can seem like an intimidating concept, but with the right preparation and mindset, you and your little ones can have a stress-free and fun-filled journey. 

Plan Ahead

When it comes to traveling with toddlers, preparing is key. Before the day of your flight, it's important to plan out everything you'll need for the journey. Create a checklist of all the essentials, such as diapers, wipes, snacks, games, and a change of clothes. Also, make sure to pack some familiar toys and favorite books that your little one can engage with while on the flight.

Arrive Early

It's always a good idea to arrive at the airport early when traveling with toddlers. This will give you enough time to settle in before your flight and deal with any unforeseen circumstances like a delayed flight or long security lines. Furthermore, arriving early gives your toddler time to expend energy by walking around, which can help keep them calmer on the flight.

Choose the Right Seats

When booking your flights, it's important to pick the right seats for you and your toddler. Most airlines provide bassinets for infants, so make sure to request one when booking your flight. If your toddler is too big for a bassinet, look for seats that offer more legroom or that allow for easy movement in and out of their seats. Consider booking a seat with an empty seat next to you, so your toddler has extra space to move around.

Bring Snacks and Drinks

Bring plenty of snacks and drinks with you when traveling with little ones. This will prevent hunger and thirst from turning into a cranky tantrum. Make sure to bring a variety of healthy snacks, such as fresh fruit, veggies, and granola bars. Additionally, pack some special treats that your child may not get every day to make the journey more exciting.

Engage Your Child

Finally, make the most of your time on the flight by engaging your child in fun activities. Bring books, games, coloring books, and other toys to keep them entertained. Look for interactive games or create a scavenger hunt by looking for certain items on the plane. Additionally, let your child explore the different parts of the plane, such as the bathroom and galley, to keep them engaged and curious throughout the flight.

Traveling with toddlers can be challenging, but with some careful preparation and the right mindset, it can be an enjoyable experience. Remember to plan, arrive early, choose the right seats, bring snacks and drinks, and engage your child throughout the journey. 

Learn more about toddler travel advice today.
