Comfort Tips For Leaving Your Toddler At A Child Care Center For The First Time

If you just found a new job and will need to place your child in a child care center for the first time while you are working, then it is important that you plan ahead to ensure the experience is as positive as possible for your toddler. While toddlers are very adaptable and will settle into their new environment over time, there are certain things you can do to help make the transition into a child care center easier for both of you. To this end, here is a list of comfort tips you can use:

Tip: Talk to Your Toddler About Their New "School" Well in Advance of Their First Day

As soon as you have decided on which child care center you will be using for your daycare needs, start to share the information with your toddler. Visit the center with your child if at all possible before their first day, and then continually talk to your child about their new "school" and how excited you are that they get to go there to learn and play. As you talk to your child about their new school, they will begin to understand they will be going there and their excitement will help them to adjust to their new surroundings more quickly.

Tip: Never Linger Around the Child Care Center and Draw Out Your Drop-Off Time

You should expect that your child may cry when you leave them at the child care center for the first time. When you stay for an extended period of time at the drop-off, you are just making your child more upset about your leaving. Instead, complete all of your paperwork beforehand, so that all you need to do on your child's first day at the child care center is to drop them off. Introduce your child to their teacher and then quickly make your exit. Even though your child will likely cry when you leave, they will settle down in a bit and be fine for the rest of the day.

Tip: Never Sneak Away Without Saying Goodbye to Your Toddler

Finally, it is vital that you never sneak away from the child care center without saying goodbye to your child. Your child may not be thrilled about the idea, but they need to know when you are leaving. If you sneak out without letting them know, then they will keep searching for you and will not settle into their day as they should.

For more tips and ideas, contact a local child care program, like those at Kaye Kare Child Care Center or a similar location.
